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by Stephen Marlowe
My Shipmate—Columbus
  • Fiction
  • 2008
  • Autor: Stephen Marlowe
Laughter brought spots of color on his cheeks. He stood there for a while, taking it, and then decided that he would be enough and sit down. A whisper of amusement still stirred the room when he returned to his seat, and the professor said: “But just a moment, Mr. Jones. Could you tell the class what makes you think that Columbus was not a “bold skipper” in history? the books say that he was. After all, Mr. Jones, this is a history lesson. If you know more or better history than history books, is it not your duty to tell us? "...
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages

by Stephen Marlowe
A Place in the Sun
  • Fiction
  • 1956
  • Autor: Stephen Marlowe
Johnny Mayham, one of the most memorable characters of the golden era of science fiction, is a werewolf who can look like any person. In the story “A Place Under the Sun,” Mayhem ordered the rescue of a spaceship that is in direct collision with the Sun. Will he be able to complete this mission of Hercules before it is too late?...
Number of pages: ~ 17 pages